John Lennon says it first & best: "Woman is the Nigger of the World"

I started this message as one to my brother and sister HRC 300 Pin Delegates on our private web site as a call to action to them. I have gotten permission to share this with you, too.

Many of you know that I am equal parts a lover of Hillary & of anything The Beatles (of course there is family, God and Country in there, too, but I was making a point). John Lennon was a passionate supporter of women's rights and women's issues from the beginning. Last night when the DEMOCRATIC party threw away WOMEN'S RIGHTS to achieve their political goals, I Could NOT get John's "Woman is the Nigger of the World" song out of my mind. I always have regretted that it is seen as so offensive because it is a wonderful tune with fabulous lyrics that state the issue so clearly.

Do yourself a favor and pay your $.99 to Amazon to download and listen to it.
Or, you can find it to hear free on many sites.
I will be using this song as I work to regain what has been lost. It just could not be more appropriate to these circumstances.

I knew when another staunch Democrat and Hillary Delegate, 300 pin pal, Alma from Tennessee, said on my Facebook page that women had been sold down the river for this Health Care Bill that I was in good company. (Befriend me on Facebook, if you will:
and on Twitter: )

Does a single breathing human think for one single second that Hillary Rodham Clinton would have been a party to this rape of one half of our electorate! Of course not. Good Heavens Above, think how SHE must feel today, if I feel this horrible.

So, even though I am overtired of this battle, today I have girded my loins for the renewed battle.

If you have not yet done so, please go to the NOW website and pay your money to join. They were on task for Hillary to the very end and Kim Gandy, NOW's then President, spent that miserable Thursday with me in Denver and witnessed my being spat upon by one of
Kentucky's senators because I would not "make" Hillary Delegates change their votes, which would have been illegal under Kentucky Law and which I would have died before even trying. That was the direct result of one Kentucky elected official bombastically stating that he refused to be embarrassed on national television that night by having the Kentucky Delegation which Hillary overwhelmingly won actually vote for, Hillary! Bet you can guess who that fellow is! (If not look at the vote last night.) Kim and I rode to the "Event in the Stadium" on that Thursday night because we both were so stunned at what was happening that she scrapped her plans and stayed with me to go see Hillary at her event at the hotel for her delegates and then to ride to the stadium together.

The first call to action in my In-box after last night's vote was from NOW. I quote the Text below:

"House Democrats allow Anti-Choice Democrats and Republicans to Use Women's Bodies as a Bargaining Chip in New Health Care Reform Package.

For Shame! Tell our US Senators to Stand Strong for Women's Reproductive Rights. Take Action NOW!

Democrats in the House of Representatives Throw Women Under the Bus with Stupak Amendment Take Action! Tell US Senators to vote NO on the Entire Health Care Reform Package! Act NOW!

Tell US Senators to vote NO on the Entire Health Care Reform Package!

In an effort to placate anti-choice Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has allowed passage of a very dangerous amendment that will affect women's lives. The National Organization for Women-NYS is stunned with the passage of the Stupak Amendment, which would ban the public health insurance option from funding abortion, and also ban any private plan operating within the exchange from funding abortions.

Under Stupak's plan, a woman buying private insurance from within the exchange with her own money would not have a choice of a plan that covers abortion. In short the Stupak Amendment throws American women under the bus.

According to the American Public Health Association, "The Stupak amendment would prohibit the ‘public option' created in the legislation from covering abortion services. In addition, the amendment would prohibit any individual receiving subsidies for their insurance premiums from purchasing a plan that offers abortion services. The amendment could significantly impact lower and middle-income women who are not able to afford to purchase separate supplemental coverage for abortion services."

This amendment nullifies all the positive provisions in the House bill. And while feminists were willing to support Health Reform lacking a single-payer system, extending the Hyde Amendment's prohibition of abortion funding to private plans is the most repulsive and unacceptable action. Unless the Senate bill is Stupak-free, NOW-NYS will oppose the final legislation and will indeed oppose the Democrats who sabotaged women. Feminists begged the party not to allow the passage of this bill and yet women are paying the price. Why is it that women are always the victims of compromise?

The House of Representatives have already voted to pass this amendment along with the final health care reform bill. But NOW members and all women's rights supporters should immediately call their Representatives, their Senators, and President Obama with a short message like: "I am a supporter of health care reform, but I'm calling to urge you to please OPPOSE the entire Health Care Reform Package. This bill now has an amendment that curtails women's access to reproductive health care. Your vote for a Health Care Reform Bill that holds women's bodies' hostage will determine my vote next November!"

If you live in New York State you can contact your Congressional Representative, your US Senator and President Obama , by clicking on the "Take Action" link above to find their contact information. Act NOW!

I rarely post to this site; But, I have posted here for I know that this group understands what has been done to Democrats, and most specifically, women, better than most. I ASK YOUR HELP.

5. IF YOU ARE INCLINED, PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR OUR COUNTRY AND THOSE WHO WOULD CONTINUE TO INCLUDE US ALL, red and yellow, black and white, men and women, and our GLTB brothers and sisters--ALL OF US.

With Love, Respect, and Hope, Olivia Anne
Olivia Anne Morris Fuchs
3803 Ashridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40241-1652
502-423-7800=Residence; 552-6523=Mobile
Kentucky Home Life Building
239 South Fifth Street, Suite 1700
Louisville, Kentucky 40202-3248
502-587-7700=Business; 587-7800=Facsimile

Feminism and Activism, all with a sense of propriety

6/16/09: As I watched David Letterman squirm and try to find footing to extricate himself from the royal mess he has created with the unfunny and unacceptable joke he directed toward the Palin family, I reflected on just how disproportionate we have become in our response to that which offends us. I agree with all the activists who are chaffing under the girdle of sexism in the media and wholeheartedly agree that we must act to put it at an end, forever. When I focus on that problem, I don't think of Letterman, or Leno, or Conan, or Craig, or other lightweights in the information sphere. We should be working on the major media markets, the hallowed newspapers, magazines and talking heads. If we allow ourselves to be directed to a "Prowl" to "get Letterman" we put ourselves in an unflattering light, and an unproductive one, as well. But, mostly we direct our energies from the real task at hand: fairness in wages, healthcare, childcare, choice; respect in the workplace, marketplace, homeplace and state house; nurturing of our next generation of those who support all issues of concern to women and those who care for them. So, I will continue to enjoy Dave and to thank him from afar for his fair and regular treatment of Hillary when she ran her historic campaign and others were not in any way fair or supportive. I, for one, am satisfied that Dave's "got it" now just how unacceptable were his actions. Perhaps, it will make him a better dad to his own little guy who we will need to help move us all forward for the betterment of us all. My thoughts on this.

To all of those of you who were with us as Team Hillary Kentucky (and those others of you who said you admired our work)

5/20/08  No, one year later:  5/20/09

Dear Ones,
Jerry asked Jonathan to have me send this out to you all.  Please circulate this widely to your own lists (and let me know you still are out there, if you are inclined; and come join us for dinner, soon.)  Love you, all, Olivia Anne
                                                                 Jerry Lundergan
Dear Fellow Hillary Friends! 
                                                                  Happy One Year Anniversary!

One year ago today, you joined my wife, Charlotte, and me, as we traveled across Kentucky asking voters to place their faith and trust in Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States.  Little did we know that the long road of political endeavors would lead us all to something truly monumental.

As we crisscrossed the Commonwealth, former Senator Clinton was embraced by Kentuckians from every region of our State.  In meeting with people of all walks of life, from all backgrounds, we witnessed her passion for America and for helping those in need.

Then on May 20th, Kentucky voters overwhelming cast their vote for Hillary. After President Obama won the Democratic Party nomination last summer, Hillary joined his campaign and helped him gather support to become the 44th President.

Upon President Obama’s exciting and historic election, he placed in Hillary the same trust and faith that you, the voters of Kentucky, gave her.  By nominating Hillary as his Secretary of State, he ensured that she would implement the President's foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States.

On January 21st, Hillary Rodham Clinton was sworn in as the 67th Secretary of State.  She vowed to restore America’s credibility, open dialogue with other countries, listen to the World’s concerns, build and restore collaborations, and be a voice to the humanitarian causes to which she has devoted her life.  Through her hard work and dedication, she became Our Ambassador to the World.

In her first 100 days, she has visited more than 22 countries. Her travels have taken her across Asia, Europe, Central America, and to the Middle East. With every country she visits, regardless of whether she is visiting powerful heads of state, kings or queens, or local farmers, soldiers or shop owners, Hillary has shown the same warmth that she brought here to Kentucky.

Shining on the World’s stage, Secretary Clinton is on a quest to make our World a safer place.  She has facilitated the beginning engagements with Iran at The Hague and opened dialogue with Syria.  She named Senator George Mitchell as Special Envoy for Middle East Peace to reinvigorate the process for achieving peace between Israel and its neighbors. She also held trilateral meeting at the State Department with Afghan Foreign Minister Rangin Dadfar Spanta and Pakistani Foreign Minister.  Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton has also opened dialogue with China by visiting China herself, and hosting talks at the G-20 summit.

As the father of five daughters, I’m proud to see Hillary continue her fight for important global issues--like women's rights and human rights. She has continued to speak out on human trafficking, the need for pay equality for women and she has pledged America’s commitment to fight poverty. She has also vowed to make America a leader in the important issue of climate change.

Secretary Clinton has kept her passion for children, the poor, and the disenfranchised. She pledged more than $900 million to be split among humanitarian relief for Gaza.

Most recently she made a surprise visit to Iraq, where she met with Government officials and our brave American soldiers. She listened to their needs and thanked them for their sacrifices. Her overwhelming response of support from the troops was heartwarming.

She has impressed both Democrats and Republicans and received praise for America’s new approach to foreign policy.  In her many endeavors, she has revitalized our Country’s role as a world leader.  With all of the tough challenges which face our Country, I’m so proud of President Obama and the wonderful job he and his administration are doing. I’m humbled by and grateful for the trust that he placed in Hillary, the same trust which you gave her a year ago.

She came to Kentucky with a love for America, and wanted the chance to make America a better place.  Now, a year later, President Obama has given her that chance, and she IS making a BETTER WORLD.

Thank you for the many lessons you taught us. Like, when Women Vote, Women WIN!!! With your hard work, we all won.

Thank you Kentucky. Thank you, each and every one of you who volunteered and worked tirelessly to help Hillary.  We can all be proud of our Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

Jerry Lundergan


So, it is that day we envisioned

So, it IS that day we envisioned, exactly 2 years ago, today; Not as we envisioned, but here nonetheless. Please join me in prayer for our Country, all her leaders, all her people, Vice-President Elect Joe Biden, and President-Elect Barack Obama. God Bless and Preserve Our America! Love you, all, Olivia Anne
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Dear Ones,

Today was not a day I had planned to write this post. It has been stewing for weeks, but not yet realized, so I have been hiding from it, withdrawn, really. However, Thanksgiving Day and our worship service led for the first time by our Seminary Intern, Eugene Ansah, from Ghana, with his family in proud attendance, plugged me into some deep musings, apparently.

In this magnificent America, we have such excess that we have a difficult time consciously "counting all our blessings." One analysis I particularly enjoyed recently was made by a commentator who remarked on the responses of children when asked to tell those things for which they were most thankful--not an electronic gadget in anyone's list. There were parents, and friends, and teachers, and family, and babies, and puppies and guppies and sunshine and snowflakes, not a Wii in the lists. So, we do get it right, if we let our childlike love overtake our grown up cool.

Recently, I have had more than a few things going on in my life that I would be thankful not to have had. But, oh, my, haven't there been some wonderful ones as well. For starters, all of the magnificent, passionate, dedicated, warm new friends I have made over the last two years are cherished by me, and will be forever.

I think the reason I have refused to start this task of love is that I know that I won't put all the precious thoughts into anything I ever do, here or anywhere, and will, therefore, disappoint someone, even when I have "finished" with the last of these thoughts. But, for those of you who do not know, a bit of background is essential. I adored, idolized, depended upon totally, my precious Daddy, as did my then husband. Daddy, Ham, died of a brain tumor way too young when my son was just a wee one. Daddy took over every room he entered just by being there. He never met a stranger; never failed to tell a friend how much he loved them, repeatedly and regularly; shook hands as though he needed to get your heart pumping; never missed a funeral; never had a friend want for anything he had; knocked heads when needed, hard; and had few folks I ever met who did not love him like I did. In Daddy's world there were certain inviolate commodities: honor, your word ("is your bond," he would say), honesty, dependability. He always required them of himself, and worked hard to ensure that these things ruled my world, too. I think he succeeded, for the most part. But, over time, I have wondered if he were as often disappointed in those around him as I am.

So, my faith in all of us has been ratcheted way up by you with whom I have been traveling life's paths for this last good while. You are dependable; you are honorable; your word has been your bond; you have taken better care of others than of yourselves; you have shown concern for all of us that is too seldom seen; you have been honorable and trustworthy, loveworthy, and I Thank YOU.

Many of you I did not know, at all, or only slightly. Jonathan M. Hurst was just another pretty boy I saw as a casual friend as I ran about in my political world and one I knew many in the State Legislature trusted and counted upon. Pretty, indeed. Never have known a more honorable, faithful, trustworthy, brilliant, dedicated, passionate, decent man in my life. He is now my treasured friend, and I pray, always will be.

Jerry and Charlotte Ann Lundergan were folks I knew through those friends and acquaintences we had in common. They come as a lovely package but each is so special in his and her own way. Jerry is made of strong stuff, very strong stuff. There is no "back up" or "let you down" in him, even when logic and expediency would dictate otherwise, or even when he is begged to take the easier path. He absolutely always "has your back," even if he might want to kill you over something you know he would not appreciate having to clean up, and never even mentions that fact in the process. There are no gentlemen whose friendship I treasure more. I hope he always will include me on "his team," whatever that may be and wherever he may be leading. Charlotte Ann is unique, period. She works hard and loves harder. She is Jerry's rock, as she has been mine. She is even prettier on the inside than she is on that beautiful outside. No wonder they have a family full of elegant, brilliant women--they just follow the path Charlotte Ann marked for them.

Wow! The "Girls." We started small and grew huge, along with all the "Boys." Our earliest group: My rock, Dolores Delahanty, without whose help and backbone transplants I would have faltered so many, many times, what a Gal!; and Tina Ward-Pugh (who responded to my first post: "Count me in to do WHATEVER it takes to get Hillary elected" and then, didn't she); Iris Samson, who kept encouraging me no matter what came our way; Debbie Rodman Lawther (who also got us going in the UK); Virginia Woodward (who stood so tall in Denver under horrible, unacceptable pressure); and Kathleen Campisano (whose early input was so helpful and who then worked from California after her move).

But, from the start, we had people who rearranged their lives, sometimes on a moment's notice, to work for the good of everyone, the Team. I'll start on that segment soon, I hope, as I don't want to do any part when I am "finished" writing for that time. But, for now, a constant from the first event in September on through this minute is a "Girl" we met for the first time at the Red Room, one who never, ever has said no when asked: Jennifer J. RoBards. She still is the lifeblood which keeps us beating along with our monthly meetings. Like my Daddy, she has no quit in her, either, and her word and heart are dead on dependable!

Don't forget to return in kind all the love you get, "in spades;" throw away and try to forget all the hurt which comes your way; Laugh out loud, often; call a friend instead of shedding any tears; be a friend; be Thankful.

All of you are treasures, each one, not just to me, but to us all. Thank you.

Love and Happy Thanksgiving, Olivia Anne

Twas the Night Before

Twas the Night Before November 4, 2008, the date we have known for what seems like forever will be an historic election.  If you need a reminder of what we are about, we Americans, just turn to CNN and watch world news; there is no other country like ours, never has been.  We are unique; we are special; we are the crucible of democracy and that never has been clearer than this cycle.  Our entire history has been one of striving for the best of human nature while fighting against those things which show us at our worst.  So, tomorrow when you take yourself to your polling place, whether it is to vote, or vote protect, steal a moment to take in the majesty of what you are privileged to do. . . . AND, then cast the vote that you in your heart and head discern best will protect our past successes and lead to our brighter future; a future which will restore us to that shining city on the hill, the guide to the world.  This has been a long, powerful, emotional, memorable, difficult season.  Have faith; have heart; have hope.  God Bless America, and each and every one of you with whom I have been honored  to trod this path.  And, for me, I especially will remember that Hillary Sent Me to Send Bruce to Washington.  He needs every one of you to give him your vote.  We did Work Harder, and we did good in the process, don't you think?  Always, Olivia Anne

GOP's VP Choice

I omitted the sender's email below, but I have her full contact information if anyone doubts the genuineness of her post. 
Olivia - You may post it if you delete my name.  The person who sent it to me sent it to about a hundred others.  Happy to hear from you!  Want an update on Denver when you have a minute..
_____, may I post this email to my blog? wrote:

Sandra Gray Schreiber, AAA
Louisville, Ky 40207


from NOW NY: An [Beautiful] Open [Love} Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton

n Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton Dear Ones, This is as special as anything I have read about how we feel and why we feel that way.  So, I changed Marcia's Subject line to add what is in brackets, because that is how it seemed to me.  Olivia Anne

 An Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton

From: Marcia A. Pappas, President of NOW NYS

August 28, 2008

Dear Senator Clinton:

You gave a fabulous, eloquent, and dynamic speech at the Democratic Convention. It brought tears to the eyes of the millions of women who worked so hard for you. One phrase in your powerhouse delivery rings on in my ears. In your call for us to back Obama you asked: "Were you in this campaign just for me or were you in it for all the people in this country who feel invisible?"

For some people your question was a turning point. I was one of those people. And I need to answer you, not just because you are my wonderful Senator from New York, but because I want to give you the answer I know many are thinking, but lack the forum to express. You see, my dear Senator, I too sometimes have the occasion to speak for the invisible. In my capacity as President of New York State National Organization for Women, I often speak for the millions of women who are denied reproductive healthcare. I speak for the women who are beaten and abused by their partners, and whom no one believes. I speak for the women who lose their children when corrupt judges award custody to the abusers. I also sometimes speak for the millions of women who feel discrimination in the workplace, and for victims of rape and trafficking.

Then, on a micro scale, I even campaigned for and won a contentious race, backed by supporters who believe I'm a person who speaks truth without fear. I was the person they trusted would work for justice in the lives of women and all oppressed people.

So I know what you wanted to hear, Senator. You wanted to hear people in loud unison declare: "No, we were not just in it for you, Hillary; we were in it for the invisible."But for me, the only answer can be: "Yes, Senator, I was in it for YOU, precisely because YOU were in it for those people who feel invisible, and because YOU were the candidate who saw clearly that over fifty percent of the population was being ignored."

Who are those people? Why they are the poor, the hungry, the underinsured, i.e. women and their children. YOU are the person who addressed the issues of that fifty-plus percent. YOU are the person who worked her entire life for that fifty-plus percent. YOU are the person who, in the face of rife opposition and ridicule, stood firm in favor of health care for the invisible. YOU are the person with a proven record on Emergency Contraception for all women, because YOU understand that without reproductive freedom, women are held hostage to unwanted pregnancies. And it is YOU who has proven, over and over, that you can deliver for the invisible.

YOU were the candidate whose followers felt they knew so well, they could call her by her first name. Little girls yelled "Hillary" because they knew their future was in your hands. Single mothers saw hope for the future, knowing that their struggle would lessen under your leadership. Older women came out in the wintry Iowa Caucuses to finally vote for the first truly possible woman president. They looked into your heart, into your eyes, into your soul, and saw something different. And those of us, who traveled around the country, working for your campaign, watched you emerge as a new kind of politician. We saw YOU.

Today, your popularity endures, bigger perhaps than even you imagined. Why? Because YOU represent the invisible. YOU persist as our symbol of hope, justice and equality. Please don't be afraid of it. Please embrace it. YOU inspired us, brought us to tears, made us laugh, and made us finally feel that we were not voting for the lesser of two evils. There are eighteen million people out here who are, like me, not ashamed, like me, to say: "Yes Hillary I was in it for YOU."

Marcia A. Pappas

 If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please let them know


One of 18 from Ohio

Thank you, Michele, for your input.  We all are traveling those paths Hillary charted for us.  Best, Olivia Anne wrote:
Hi name is Michele and I met you during the Francie Pepper phone banking era, along with Ella Drake. Your Team helped us help Hillary,  and several members of Team Pepper helped with KY's primary with great enthusiasm. During that time I had the pleasure to meet and work with Erica and Tyler. From there, some of us actually traveled to Indiana and Louisville to work for them with great pleasure.  Throughout those times, we had a common passion for a common cause, and her name was Hillary Clinton and everything she stood for. So much so, that many of us traveled state to state to continue to work for the same staffers for that same cause. Sarah Palin represents every single thing that Hillary has fought against almost all of her life. Here is a woman who is allowing herself to be used by a man named McCain, because he thinks he can appeal to women just because we have the same parts, it's ludicrous! As far as I'm concerned, she can be rewarded for h er work in Alaska as the best sharp shooter or hunter in her state...that's a talent, and she deserves a ribbon for that expertise.  I too, like many others, watched Obama accept our party's nomination last Thursday night, with an aching heart and tears rolling down my face, I reminisced all the campaign trail memories. But most of all, I will never forget March 2, that was the day that I had the privilege to travel with Hillary Clinton and introduce her at the Akron event as a volunteer from Southwest Ohio...she thanked us for our work, and all those who volunteered for her everywhere. And then she looked us in the eyes and said, "I will fight for you"....we believed her, we still do, and that's something Sarah Palin can't ever say, because she never has....thanks for listening, and thank you, Team KY, it was a pleasure to work with all of you....1 in 18 million,   michele

Another voice: Team Hillary Kentucky: Updates; & Erica Asks that: Please post to our group

Olivia Anne,
Thank you so very much for this update. I have not, and will not, forgive the Democratic Party, the Obama team, and the mainstream media for the way they savaged and also ignored Hillary during the primaries and convention.
It was so great to see and hear Hillary and Bill again at the convention. I am so proud of both of them! Hillary showed such grace and enthusiasm, and she and Bill BOTH showed extraordinary grace by going above and beyond the call of duty by endorsing Obama so strongly.
I was going to just not vote for president, but after seeing what the Republicans have done, I feel I must vote Obama, no matter how much I hate it. The election is now MUCH too important to be left to McCain and the trickery he is using by putting Sarah Palin on the ticket. Furthermore, the economy, the war, health care, and possible Supreme Court appointments must be controlled by the Democrats!
Steve Troutman

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go.