Preparing for the 2008 DNC Convention in Denver


Well. Things sure are getting hectic in advance of the departure of the Kentucky Delegation for Denver. We are excited to be able to look forward to finally meeting so many of our friends from all over the country who we have made over the course of Hillary Rodham Clinton's quest for the Presidency. It really will be a "union," if not a reunion.

Something's happening here. Today, all sorts of snapshots of the future have been popping into my mind. And, all of those glimmers are good, very good.

Remember, hope can be its own reward. When coupled with work, it becomes power. We have that power. Don't fail to use it, or it is wasted.

Check back. The question will be if I can learn to post the photos here so that you all can "Go to Denver" with us. That is the real reason I created this new blog.

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