from NOW NY: An [Beautiful] Open [Love} Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton

n Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton Dear Ones, This is as special as anything I have read about how we feel and why we feel that way.  So, I changed Marcia's Subject line to add what is in brackets, because that is how it seemed to me.  Olivia Anne

 An Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton

From: Marcia A. Pappas, President of NOW NYS

August 28, 2008

Dear Senator Clinton:

You gave a fabulous, eloquent, and dynamic speech at the Democratic Convention. It brought tears to the eyes of the millions of women who worked so hard for you. One phrase in your powerhouse delivery rings on in my ears. In your call for us to back Obama you asked: "Were you in this campaign just for me or were you in it for all the people in this country who feel invisible?"

For some people your question was a turning point. I was one of those people. And I need to answer you, not just because you are my wonderful Senator from New York, but because I want to give you the answer I know many are thinking, but lack the forum to express. You see, my dear Senator, I too sometimes have the occasion to speak for the invisible. In my capacity as President of New York State National Organization for Women, I often speak for the millions of women who are denied reproductive healthcare. I speak for the women who are beaten and abused by their partners, and whom no one believes. I speak for the women who lose their children when corrupt judges award custody to the abusers. I also sometimes speak for the millions of women who feel discrimination in the workplace, and for victims of rape and trafficking.

Then, on a micro scale, I even campaigned for and won a contentious race, backed by supporters who believe I'm a person who speaks truth without fear. I was the person they trusted would work for justice in the lives of women and all oppressed people.

So I know what you wanted to hear, Senator. You wanted to hear people in loud unison declare: "No, we were not just in it for you, Hillary; we were in it for the invisible."But for me, the only answer can be: "Yes, Senator, I was in it for YOU, precisely because YOU were in it for those people who feel invisible, and because YOU were the candidate who saw clearly that over fifty percent of the population was being ignored."

Who are those people? Why they are the poor, the hungry, the underinsured, i.e. women and their children. YOU are the person who addressed the issues of that fifty-plus percent. YOU are the person who worked her entire life for that fifty-plus percent. YOU are the person who, in the face of rife opposition and ridicule, stood firm in favor of health care for the invisible. YOU are the person with a proven record on Emergency Contraception for all women, because YOU understand that without reproductive freedom, women are held hostage to unwanted pregnancies. And it is YOU who has proven, over and over, that you can deliver for the invisible.

YOU were the candidate whose followers felt they knew so well, they could call her by her first name. Little girls yelled "Hillary" because they knew their future was in your hands. Single mothers saw hope for the future, knowing that their struggle would lessen under your leadership. Older women came out in the wintry Iowa Caucuses to finally vote for the first truly possible woman president. They looked into your heart, into your eyes, into your soul, and saw something different. And those of us, who traveled around the country, working for your campaign, watched you emerge as a new kind of politician. We saw YOU.

Today, your popularity endures, bigger perhaps than even you imagined. Why? Because YOU represent the invisible. YOU persist as our symbol of hope, justice and equality. Please don't be afraid of it. Please embrace it. YOU inspired us, brought us to tears, made us laugh, and made us finally feel that we were not voting for the lesser of two evils. There are eighteen million people out here who are, like me, not ashamed, like me, to say: "Yes Hillary I was in it for YOU."

Marcia A. Pappas

 If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please let them know


One of 18 from Ohio

Thank you, Michele, for your input.  We all are traveling those paths Hillary charted for us.  Best, Olivia Anne wrote:
Hi name is Michele and I met you during the Francie Pepper phone banking era, along with Ella Drake. Your Team helped us help Hillary,  and several members of Team Pepper helped with KY's primary with great enthusiasm. During that time I had the pleasure to meet and work with Erica and Tyler. From there, some of us actually traveled to Indiana and Louisville to work for them with great pleasure.  Throughout those times, we had a common passion for a common cause, and her name was Hillary Clinton and everything she stood for. So much so, that many of us traveled state to state to continue to work for the same staffers for that same cause. Sarah Palin represents every single thing that Hillary has fought against almost all of her life. Here is a woman who is allowing herself to be used by a man named McCain, because he thinks he can appeal to women just because we have the same parts, it's ludicrous! As far as I'm concerned, she can be rewarded for h er work in Alaska as the best sharp shooter or hunter in her state...that's a talent, and she deserves a ribbon for that expertise.  I too, like many others, watched Obama accept our party's nomination last Thursday night, with an aching heart and tears rolling down my face, I reminisced all the campaign trail memories. But most of all, I will never forget March 2, that was the day that I had the privilege to travel with Hillary Clinton and introduce her at the Akron event as a volunteer from Southwest Ohio...she thanked us for our work, and all those who volunteered for her everywhere. And then she looked us in the eyes and said, "I will fight for you"....we believed her, we still do, and that's something Sarah Palin can't ever say, because she never has....thanks for listening, and thank you, Team KY, it was a pleasure to work with all of you....1 in 18 million,   michele

Another voice: Team Hillary Kentucky: Updates; & Erica Asks that: Please post to our group

Olivia Anne,
Thank you so very much for this update. I have not, and will not, forgive the Democratic Party, the Obama team, and the mainstream media for the way they savaged and also ignored Hillary during the primaries and convention.
It was so great to see and hear Hillary and Bill again at the convention. I am so proud of both of them! Hillary showed such grace and enthusiasm, and she and Bill BOTH showed extraordinary grace by going above and beyond the call of duty by endorsing Obama so strongly.
I was going to just not vote for president, but after seeing what the Republicans have done, I feel I must vote Obama, no matter how much I hate it. The election is now MUCH too important to be left to McCain and the trickery he is using by putting Sarah Palin on the ticket. Furthermore, the economy, the war, health care, and possible Supreme Court appointments must be controlled by the Democrats!
Steve Troutman

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go.

From Invesco: Even the ebulient Pat Vincent could not be joyful

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As your Pledged Delegate, I proudly cast your vote for President of the United States for the Senator from New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton

I have cast your vote for Hillary.  Most of our delegation has stood with you who sent the delegates to vote for Hillary.  Some have not.

Hillary, just Hillary

The Women's Caucus this morning was so special. The guys seemed to most enjoy Eva Longorio, though. Had to leave early and race to WomenCount. Those fabulous gals still are giving--no charge for a lovely meal with wonderful women: Jehmu, Rosemary, and all of them. Rosemary proudly put on her Team Hillary Kentucky pin, and gave us a WomenCount blossom pin back. John West and Michele Thomas have donated the proceeds of what the media has proclaimed to be the most coveted pins in Denver to "Ditch Mitch"--2 of them. I've been offered $200 for the one I received. I said "No Deal!". Bids are being accepted for the two donated pins. At both the WomenCount and Emily's List events Hillary was her usual warm, powerful self. The rest of us were a mess. Can't wait to see our girl tonight! Check out the photo of Chelsea and Hillary at WomenCount already on the Blog. More when we steal the time. Xx Olivia Anne
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Jeff Harney got his credentials!

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Micah Spicer helps out the Press

Kentucky's youngest delegate, Hillary's man, is interviewed by NPR
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Hillary Says WomenCount! & Chelsea

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2008 DNCC Day One

8/26/08 -- About 8/25/08

Dear Friends,

Exhaustion. Total exhaustion. Most of us feel that way. Perhaps, it is the mile high city, but we gave up today and took taxis even for a few blocks (relatively cheap).

The locals are sincerely welcoming and helpful. The protesters are being met by scary force. Think Beijing Opening Ceremonies with scary drummers, squared. Mesh riot gloves, huge combat vests, Judy took photos of them with what appeared to be MACHINE Guns, and gazillions of them, everywhere. It is heartbreaking to see. Yes, I want to stay safe, very safe, but this is not what we want in the free and open Democracy we have and aspire to have.

A wonderful conversation burst forth at the ESPNZone After Party among the Ohio, Alabama and Kentucky Delegates. Serious differences exist.

Jeff Harney did not receive the promised credentials, and he was left to wait outside in this heat for 2 plus hours with the expectation of receiving them. He is going to return home if this is not finally corrected tomorrow. We have tried to convince him to stay regardless.

Lunch provided by Brown-Forman at The Fort was simply fabulous. The scenery in the mountains truly is stunning. The food, conversation and company were great.

Seeing our friends at the EqualiTea was so welcome. An added plus was seeing our true friend Dana Singiser. Kathy and Mike Wright kindly shared their table with Pat and me and others. Of course, Kim Gandy welcomed us all. Ellen Malcolm, Maxine Waters, Dolores Huerta, Eleanor Smeal, Connie Schulz (who is Sherrod Brown's wife), and innumerable others spoke to an over packed venue with passionate feminist activists. There were some pretty empassioned anti-choice protesters, too.

The Kentucky Delegation as you look at the stage is to the extreme left (natch) up on the risers beginning at about the eighth row. Our Mr. Speaker, Jody Richards, kindly sat with Pat Vincent and me and was a joyful addition to our evening. You have seen our signed petition to place Hillary's name in nomination posted in real time earlier tonight. Yes, it was moving being asked to sign that petition. So, I took the photo, and was a bit overcome. But, I've been an emotional wreck all day at the mention of Stephanie Tubbs Jones and her massive addition to our party and the holes she has left in our party and our heart which we must fill. Our time with the Ohio Delegates at the after-party was somewhat of a wake for our friend, but was good.

Michelle Obama truly looked lovely and her message was great and well delivered. Oprah must have really come through, at least as to the look. I am not a fan; but, she was good, very good.

No matter what sins of omission and commission may be argued, I truly loved seeing Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy. He was "on his game" notwithstanding all the physical challenges he has faced this year. Caroline still in my mind's eye is that precious girl from the Days of Camelot.

Tomorrow is the Day I have been focusing on for months. We start with our Delegation Breakfast to get credentials for the day. Then, the women's caucus, followed by our cherished friends at WomenCount and their event, followed by the event hosted by Ellen Malcolm for Emily's List (sold out for a while). Bruce, Emily, Pat, Carol and I will be moving through these and finding time for Bruce to have some quiet time to gather help for his quest to free us of the Mitch. Then, of course, we have as the focus of the convention this night Our Girl. She will speak, and I will listen, well.

It is difficult to fit everything in. And, the internet at the Hilton Garden Inn will not allow me to send email messages. So, we are left with you all trying to circulate as best you can to our friends what I get to this blog. Those who receive posts as I make them are Debbie, Jennifer, Jonathan, George, Dee and others I cannot remember just now and this posting vehicle won't let me look and come back.

Love to you, all, Olivia Anne

Hillary in nomination!

It is done. Thank God.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

What SHE won! a Seed is Planted.....

------Original Message------


Subject: A Seed is Planted.....

Sent: Aug 25, 2008 4:37 PM

I got a call today about my six year old niece, Emma's class work.  (Emma is the one who tagged along to HRC headquarters in Nashville; was my VIP guest at a Bill event in KY; met Chelsea; made posters, and went to "Hoot and Hollers.")  Her vocabulary terms for the week all relate to the election.  Sitting in class, away from her Republican Mother and her crazy HRC supporting Aunt, the child wrote, "I wish I could vote for Hillary."  The call brought tears to my eyes.  This is the HRC legacy that we should be celebrating.  It is not what HRC supporters have lost.  Instead, it is about the impact of those 18 million votes upon the developing minds of little girls.  One more push, and that ceiling will be forever shattered!  It is those little girls that keep me pushing!!      

Kentucky's On the Floor!

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Katrina Tribute

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George, Jeff, Anna, Olivia Anne & Flags

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Pat's #173

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"300" Petition delivery

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"Girls at Cru"

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We have landed

And are on our way to the Kentucky delegation hotel at the Hilton Garden Inn. First event has started. More, soon, Olivia Anne
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

MTV & Jacqueline: [kdpdenver08] Join me for a bike ride in Denver!

MTV came to little ole Burgin to interview me about being a young delegate from a small town going to Denver. How cool?!?
Jacqueline Coleman
Burgin Independent School
859.748.5282 Ext. 318
"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."
-Malcolm Forbes

From: kdpdenver08 [] On Behalf Of Chris Walters
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 9:12 AM
To: Coleman, Jacqueline
Subject: [kdpdenver08] Join me for a bike ride in Denver!

Dear Delegation and Guests:

Lt,. Governor Mongiardo has asked me to issue the invitation below to the delegation and guests, and I encourage your participation so we have a great showing from Kentucky! Also, be advised that the suggested attire for all Kentucky events in Denver is business CASUAL.


Jennifer Moore, Chair

TO: DNC Kentucky Delegates

FROM: Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo

SUBJECT: Join me for a bike ride in Denver!

As you may have read, the 2008 Democratic National Convention aspires to be the most environmentally friendly in history. I hope you?my fellow Kentucky delegates?will join me to help make that vision a reality.

A partnership between Bikes Belong?a pro-bicycle organization?and Louisville-based Humana Inc. has provided 1,000 bicycles that are available at the convention for free, short-term use through a unique, innovative program called Freewheelin?. These Freewheelin? stations will be set up all around Denver for convention participant use.

On Wednesday, August 27, I will be leading a ride from a Freewheelin? station near the Hilton Garden Inn to our delegate lunch meeting at the Samba Room Restaurant. Let's put our best pedal forward and do something good for our health and the environment. As delegates from the Bluegrass state, let's be physically fit and show our greener side by using these bikes as an alternate form of transportation. Please see the details below and add this to your itinerary.

Thanks for your support.

WHEN: Wednesday, Aug. 27 - 11:00 a.m. MDT

WHERE: Meet at the Freewheelin? station at 14th and Stout in downtown Denver - just a block and half from the Hilton Garden Inn where many of you are staying (there will be someone at the Hilton to direct you). We will ride the short distance (about a half mile) to the Samba Room Restaurant, where the Kentucky delegation will have lunch at 11:30 a.m.

PRE-REGISTER: For more about the program, click here. Follow the directions to "reserve your bike today." I encourage you to register in advance. It just takes a minute or two, and that way, you can jump on a bike without waiting. Lastly, be sure to bring your driver's license and a credit card. You'll need those at the bike station. (The credit card is just to ensure the bikes are returned safe and sound. As long as you drop off your bike, your card will not be charged.)--

RE: Departures . . .


I didn't get to see you again in Western Kentucky at the Bean dinner (my home county of Marshall) or at Fancy Farm. But I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so very much for all you and your group of warriors have done to try to make our great country the beacon it can be!

Good luck in Denver and my prayers are with you all!

Julie Copeland
Madisonville, KY 42431

Departures . . .

August 21, 2008

Dear Team Hillary Kentucky, Hillary's Kentucky Delegates and All of Our Friends,

We've had a break from messages for a while.  As we prepare to depart for the 2008 Denver DNC Convention, much is happening, so the message is long.

Departures . . . From our Midst:  First, the web has been abuzz with sentiments regarding the death of sister champion, Stephanie Tubbs Jones.  Ellen Malcolm had a beautiful piece from Emily's List today:  Be sure to watch the video of another of Stephanie's poetry readings.  (
Ellen also has live streaming from the Convention at the Emily's List site, if you sign up early: )  I just got Kim Gandy's tribute in a message from NOW.  It too is lovely:  The Denver experience will not be what we expected it to be without Stephanie's huge smile and heart, her "filling up the room!"  As I prepared my calendar, I found how many holes will be left by Stephanie's absence.

Departures . . . For the Convention:  You know I usually send email messages, rather than blog, for general use.  Since we will have photos as well as comments from Denver, I have put up a quick blog to give us a vehicle.  Please check it out at  The photos should be found under the Picasa Photo Album heading in the upper right corner of the page where you see the 2008 DNCC logo.  There is limited capacity, so there won't be loads of them.  But, I will do my best to upload some nice shots from time to time.  If you have something you really want me to post, please send it to me via email and I will try to get to it.  Having said that, our schedules are over-full with planning for work for the future.

Departures . . . From What is Right:  As you probably have read by now, apparently the DNC has dismissed the Challenge which was filed by 20 Kentucky Hillary Delegates against an Obama supporter who was given a Hillary Clinton Delegate slot, and against the KDP.  I say "apparently" since the DNC has not notified any of the Challengers or our Kentucky Hillary Chair in any way since the Challenge was filed on the 13th.  However, the KDP has sent an email that the Challenge has been dismissed and the Obama supporter has given an interview that she intends to go to Denver as Hillary's delegate.  For myself, please know that we stood up for each vote Hillary secured by her work in Kentucky, with our help, and for what is right, under the DNC rules and by all that is just.  We cannot explain or comprehend the actions of the DNC, if the report is accurate.  We can take pride in doing what is right to honor Hillary's efforts.  For more information, you may read all about it on many of the blogs.  Here are the links to some of the articles which have been in the news.  Ryan Alessi did a fine job of posting the Challenge itself (I hope someone posts the signature pages so that all may see some of the passions of some of these Delegates). Apparently, the DNC has seen fit to inform everyone of their decision except the Challengers and those who were wronged (shown on Attachment A):  and at

Departures . . . From the Airports:  My flight out with a few others is from Standiford Field on Saturday at 12:25 on United flight 3760.  Judy is leaving from Indianapolis; some leave from Cincy and others from Nashville.  So, the send off efforts would not seem to be workable.  But, when we get back to the Bluegrass, there will be work to be done, and we will need to plan.  Jennifer has sent the next "dinner gathering" notice out for September 5, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. at the Bristol on Bardstown Road, in Louisville.  Surely, someone will have another reason for a big party soon.  In that regard, hold September 20, 2008, open on your calendars.  And, yes, some others are driving to observe and participate in the Convention experience, too.

Departures . . . From Stoicism:  No stiff upper lip here;  You are treasured friends of mine, and of one another.  You have been a part of something historic, and wonderful.  Indeed, with Hillary you have Make History.  And, we have only begun to actualize what Our Girl has started.  It has been decades since women have been so energized, so hopeful, so responsible, so involved, so committed.  And, we have had our brothers toiling right along with us, passionately.  Now, NOW, WomenCount, Emily's List and all the other magnificent mirrors of Hillary's work will be leading us forward into a better future.  You have been there; you will be there; you must be there.  We need you, each and every, for every next step there is to take.  For, if we leave even one precious one of our number by the side, we are diminished.  So, reach out, and reach down, and move forward.  We are at the True Beginning of what is yet to come.  Something's Happening Here.

Always, Working Harder, for a Better America, a Better Democracy,
Olivia Anne
Patriotism means to stand by the country.
It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official...
Theodore Roosevelt

P.S.  As Gayle notes "Maxine" says:  Having a female president would only be a good idea if you wanted the country run right for some reason!
---- ======================================
Olivia Anne Morris Fuchs
Team Hillary Kentucky Founder & Director
Hillary Rodham Clinton Kentucky
Pledged Delegate to the DNC 2008 Convention
S-129 Democrat Precinct Chair

Getting Ready

The bags at least are out and needing to be packed. Howard didn't call today, either. Kim has confirmed; and so has Bruce. Pat has our "sashes" ready. Stephanie won't be with us, but Hillary will. I couldn't make all the events if I were gone three weeks, much less one. Jerry's got good stuff waiting for us all. Tina and Harold will "whip" us into shape. So, TEAM Hillary Kentucky is OFF to DENVER! Keep us all closely in your prayers. Love you, each and all, Olivia Anne
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Test of Ability to Post via Email

This is to determine if, indeed, I am able to post remotely.  Best, Olivia Anne

This Blog Seems to Work; now we'll let you know to check in for DNCC NEWS & PHOTOS


Dear Friends, Now that we have this blog somewhat operational, it seems time to let you know about it. My plan is to blog and to post Convention photos as we work through our week at the 2008 DNCC. I'll check your comments here, and I'll get your email messages to my email address while we are away.

We're still making History and working hard.

Best, Olivia Anne

Packing and Planning

Today is "Finish it" day. But, it seems tough to get all the stars to align. Putting this "alternative" blog together has been a challenge, as the only reason I have created this one is to give us a way to put photos from the convention up. I think this is going to work. Let me know if you have helpful (and kindly presented) suggestions for this site. There is a Conference Call with Hillary for her delegates to the convention coming up this week. That will be a good thing. We have gotten the last minute "delegate" details tied up fairly well and are focused on Denver and all of our friends we will be able to spend our time with there. This will be an exciting time for us all.

Preparing for the 2008 DNC Convention in Denver


Well. Things sure are getting hectic in advance of the departure of the Kentucky Delegation for Denver. We are excited to be able to look forward to finally meeting so many of our friends from all over the country who we have made over the course of Hillary Rodham Clinton's quest for the Presidency. It really will be a "union," if not a reunion.

Something's happening here. Today, all sorts of snapshots of the future have been popping into my mind. And, all of those glimmers are good, very good.

Remember, hope can be its own reward. When coupled with work, it becomes power. We have that power. Don't fail to use it, or it is wasted.

Check back. The question will be if I can learn to post the photos here so that you all can "Go to Denver" with us. That is the real reason I created this new blog.